Adaptive Urban Self-Integration
AUSI (Adaptive Urban Self-Integration) is a tradecraft protocol of blending, surviving and thriving in foreign urban areas...
AUSI (Adaptive Urban Self-Integration) is a tradecraft protocol of blending, surviving and thriving in foreign urban areas...
Street smart concepts, urban survival mindset and general lifestyle strategies as per Special Weapons and Tactics operators.
A standard “disguise-shift” for escape and evasion in busy urban environments. Always on standby when applied –...
“B.L.I.S.S.” is an acronym for Blend, Low Profile, Irregular, Survival and Secluded – a basic guideline for...
Actual, casual and active urban camouflage is about becoming a part of an interpersonal space (adaptive), not...
Utilizing adaptive street slang linguistics is a vital component of integrating into or infiltrating a specific type...
The ability to blend-in to a type / group of people or simulate a specific person or...