The intel explains how to find, infiltrate and navigate a city’s criminal underworld by blending in, identifying key players, following illicit activities while staying under the radar.

When you’re dropped into an unfamiliar city with a mission to infiltrate or gather intel on the local criminal underworld, the game’s the same whether you’re in Bogotá, London, or New York.

Every city has its underbelly. You just need to know where to look, how to blend in, and how to keep your head down while doing it. In a business where trust can get you killed, tradecraft is your ally.

    Identify the Street Pulse

Every city breathes, and the streets are its lifeblood. From the moment you hit the ground, you need to get a feel for its rhythm. Begin by identifying the areas that cater to the fringes of society. It’s not just about going to the sketchiest neighborhoods – it’s about finding where illicit activities blend seamlessly into everyday life.

Street markets, dive bars, and unregulated nightclubs are excellent starting points. These spots attract the type of people who operate in the gray areas: petty criminals, hustlers, and those who thrive on the edge of the law. They might not be high-level operators, but they know who’s running things. A few drinks and casual conversations in these spots can tell you a lot about who’s moving product, who’s taking orders, and where the action is.

    Look for Gatekeepers

Every criminal network has gatekeepers – the people who know everyone but are usually just a step removed from the real players. In most cities, this could be the low-level street dealers, shady taxi drivers, or bartenders at rundown joints. They often have their ear to the ground and know more than they let on.

Strike up a conversation, but don’t make it obvious you’re fishing for info. Complaining about the local police pressure or casually bringing up an interest in scoring something illicit can open the door. It’s about planting seeds and letting them grow. Gatekeepers are suspicious by nature, so patience is key. Once they know you’re not a cop, they’ll start hinting at bigger players and networks.

    Blend In and Don’t Draw Attention

The quickest way to blow your cover is to stand out. Flashy clothes, foreign accents, or asking the wrong questions will have you marked in seconds. Learn the local customs, pick up on the slang, and dress the part. You’re not there to look like an outsider who’s curious about crime; you’re there to become part of the scenery. That’s tradecraft 101.

Sometimes this means playing dumb. People are more likely to slip information when they think you’re harmless or clueless. Let them underestimate you. Act like you’re just looking to party, make some quick money, or settle into a new life. The key is to stay off their radar until you’ve figured out who the key players are.

    Follow the Drugs and the Money

If you want to find the criminal underworld, follow the cash flow. Drugs are often the lifeblood of any illicit operation. Whether it’s heroin, meth, or something else, narcotics fuel criminal economies across the globe. Dealers, addicts, and the people moving product can all point you in the right direction.

Watch for the low-level transactions – the guy selling weed on the street or the woman slipping pills in a club. This is where you can start tracing the supply chain upward. The street dealers know their suppliers, and the suppliers know the larger organizations. If drugs aren’t the main source of income in the area, substitute it with whatever drives local crime – whether it’s human trafficking, black-market goods, or protection rackets. Always follow the money.

    Corrupt Cops and Local Authorities

Criminal organizations can’t operate effectively without some form of protection or complicity from local authorities. In many cities, dirty cops are part of the equation. You’ll need to figure out which parts of law enforcement are on the take. This isn’t something you can ask directly, but it becomes obvious once you start tracking the movements of criminals. If certain gangs or dealers operate with impunity, there’s probably someone in uniform turning a blind eye.

Sometimes, slipping some cash to the right desk sergeant or traffic cop can open doors. They know who’s paying protection, where the bodies get dumped, and who controls the territory. But this move has its risks – once you’ve identified a dirty cop, you have to tread carefully. Aligning with the wrong side can get you burned fast.

    Leverage Local Informants

In every city, people in the shadows are looking for an angle to make a buck. Informants, whether they’re former gang members, prostitutes, or small-time crooks, can provide valuable intel on the criminal underworld. It’s a dangerous game, though – these individuals are often motivated by self-preservation or greed, and their loyalty is always for sale. Use them strategically.

You’ll need to build a rapport before they trust you with any useful information. Buying them a drink, doing them a small favor, or protecting them from a minor threat could be enough to get the ball rolling. But always remember, once you’re dealing with informants, they can betray you as quickly as they offer help.

    Understand the Power Structures

Every criminal underworld has a hierarchy, and if you’re going to navigate it, you need to understand who’s on top and who’s just a puppet. In some cities, organized crime syndicates run the show – mafia families, cartels, or well-known street gangs. In others, the underworld is a loose network of freelancers who band together when necessary. Either way, you need to pinpoint the leadership.

Most high-level operators won’t be hanging out in the seedy bars or back alleys, but their influence is felt everywhere. Listen for names that come up repeatedly, especially ones that inspire fear or respect. Once you’ve identified the players, your next move is getting to someone who works for them – a lieutenant or trusted associate. That’s when things start to get interesting.

    Stay Alive and Stay Smart

The most important thing is to always know when to back off. The criminal underworld doesn’t play by the same rules as the rest of society. You push too hard, ask the wrong person the wrong question, or show up where you’re not wanted, and you might not walk away. Keep a low profile, move with purpose, and remember – this isn’t a game.

Patience and smart tradecraft will keep you alive long enough to get the information you need. Once you have your intel, slip back into the shadows, leaving no trace you were ever there. That’s how a pro finds a city’s criminal underworld without becoming another one of its casualties.

Tradecraft Tactics

These additional 10 tactics focus on staying covert, protecting your cover, and minimizing risk while operating in hostile environments.


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Finding a city’s criminal underworld is all about the groundwork. It’s not the glamorous part of the job, but it’s the foundation. Stay sharp, read the streets, and know when to make your move. After all, information is power – but only if you live to use it.

[INTEL : Navigating Threat-Assessed Environments]

[OPTICS : London, England]