Understanding Local Urban Threat Landscapes
A city’s map is written in layers – some visible, most hidden. The operatives who thrive don’t...
A city’s map is written in layers – some visible, most hidden. The operatives who thrive don’t...
PERSEC isn’t just for operatives working in hostile environments – it’s for anyone who wants to navigate...
Christmas decorations aren’t just festive, they can also help secure your home. With a little creativity and...
Trapping an intruder, creating distractions, or slowing down a pursuing force, operatives often rely on creative, improvised...
A complex maze of people, architecture, and unseen systems – learning to navigate it like a Special...
Operatives who know how to take in every detail of their surroundings aren’t just reacting to what’s...
This is a primer guide of the general concepts and theories behind evading physical pursuits on foot...
The covert operative’s tradecraft break down of the key elements that make up a typical, well-designed CIA...
The intel explains how to find, infiltrate and navigate a city’s criminal underworld by blending in, identifying...
Security while living alone is about adopting a mindset of awareness, unpredictability, and layered defense, ensuring you’re...
In the field, combat situation awareness essential. Whether you’re an operative in hostile territory, a soldier in...
While nothing beats professional-grade armor, sometimes you have to make do with what’s available. These are DIY...